Don't Wait to Change Jobs Until You're Unhappy
Making a career change on someone else's timeline never benefits you. By exploring job opportunities before it's necessary for you to change jobs, you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your career. In some cases, 'if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it' might be great advice, but when it comes to your career - fix it before it breaks!
Resignation is a One-Way Process
Relocation is a major life change that may seem daunting. But in many cases, it can be the key to unlocking life-changing career opportunities.
Looking for a Way to Maximize Your Career? Consider Relocation
Relocation is a major life change that may seem daunting. But in many cases, it can be the key to unlocking life-changing career opportunities.
7 Tips for Writing a Resume That Will Make a Good Impression in Under 10 Seconds
Here are seven ways to make a great first impression with your resume in under 10 seconds. Writing a great resume is the best way to get your foot in the door, so make sure it’s representing you well.
Are Digital Missteps Costing You Job Opportunities?
Don’t let your social media adventures cause you to lose out on potential job opportunities. Your internet presence is a Forever Stamp of you and your character, so make sure you’re representing yourself well.
Change is Scary, but Regret is Scarier
Chances are good that a change in your construction career is going to come. When a great opportunity comes along, don’t let fear hold you back. Change is scary, but regret is scarier.
Don’t Be An Expert: Be a Translator
The best strategic move in today’s supply chain market is to “go wide not deep”; don’t be an expert, be a translator.
Offering and Accepting Counteroffers: It’s a Mistake!
Counteroffers are a mistake for both employees and employers. Offering and accepting counteroffers leads to issues of broken trust and questioned loyalty.
A Strong First Week in a New Job Can Set a Strong Foundation
A strong first week in a new job can set a strong foundation for future success. Starting with these small steps can help ensure a positive start in a new job.